The Future of Cloud-Edge Convergence

Europe is faced with a limited opportunity to increase its importance in the computing market, achieve data sovereignty and make significant progress towards digital autonomy. Moving from today’s general-purpose cloud-based data processing to edge computing is a logical evolution bringing various advantages to European businesses which includes:

  • Avoiding the transfer of mission-critical data to the cloud
  • Supporting resilience of dynamic operations and processes
  • Increased security and privacy protection
  • Reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint

This shift towards edge computing will lead to substantial changes in the computing landscape and innovative use scenarios across Europe’s economy. The UNLOCK-CEI project aims to unlock the potential of these transformative technologies by understanding the supply and demand value chains in Europe.

BluSpecs will provide the connection between the supply and demand side, ensuring that R&I activities match the needs of European businesses, create new opportunities, and grow both the tech and business ecosystems. Our partners and us are creating a community that will shape the future of the European Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum and establish a proactive dialogue between different members of the value chain, from adopters and business drivers to technology innovators.

To gain knowledge, insights, recognition, and network with industry leaders,  join our value chain adopter groups. Fill out the form below to participate in the future of Cloud-Edge convergence!


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